Tuesday, February 17, 2009

CHE-A Memoir by Fidel Castro

Ernesto "Che" Guevara where "Che" is the common way of greeting of the land where he was born. He was not a Cuban as people believe, he was born in Argentina. He fought for Cubans, he fought for Bolivians, he fought for every poor and against every Imperialist, beyond the barriers of nations and creeds. Fidel Castro- The Legendary Cuban revolutionary, one of the longest serving Prime Ministers, writes about Che in his book, " Che -A Memoir".

The book fell into my hands eventually during my short trip to Bangalore. The resemblance of the cover photo of Che to my friend "Rohit" made me to buy the book, and believe me this book is one of the best books I have ever read. After The Motorcycle Diaries, this is my second book with Comrade Guevara. The depth with which revolution is talked about in this book, the passion with which Castro Uncle explains the character named "Che" shows the deep bond they shared with each other. Things were talked about the sudden vanishing of Che from the Cuban scenario and Castro replies in a letter to the imperialists saying,"He is there where he is best for the cause of revolution." There are the addresses by Castro regarding the whereabouts of Che, regarding the rumours of conflict between Che and Castro. Then there is one address where Castro admits that Che has been killed in an ambush in Bolivia by the American troops, the 10 page long address to the nation is mesmerizing.

Ernesto "Che" Guevara once said,"For the cause of revolution, I will fight with all the weapons within my reach rather than let myself be nailed to a cross or whatever!" He fought hard and the Bolivian Odyssey, where 17 guerrillas were surrounded by 1800 trained mercenaries depicts the bravery and courage of Commander Guevara, where in spite of being sick for days, he fought for the cause of revolution. In the end there is a very long address by Castro to the nation where he breaks down emotionally after receiving Che's remains, 30 years after his death.He says,"For me, it is really very hard to believe that Che is dead. He talks to me, sits with me, every now and then. He is there with me, in my Life."

Although people say that he was a blood-sucker, he lived and died by the guns and battles but indeed the "Man" is beyond the T-Shirts and Posters. He was an uncommon man who opted out of his medical career just for the sake of going round his country on a stupid motorcycle.
Love you Comrade.

P.S: Today morning while coming to office, I saw a man sitting in the auto holding a notebook and showing it to the people around and it said,"Please wear Helmet. Please wear seat belt." Nice effort comrade, he was an employee of a rival [:D] company. Great job comrade.


Madhuri Kunisetty said...

what kinda books u read yaar??i really liked the review u hv given..now, its a new one!!so u completed reading it??

Nautankey said...

I like che,though not a follower,admirer kinds but hate it when I see people wearing che t-shirts,caps,scarfs,chaddis... wats that they wanna prove? they will fight against the administration.. huh..they degrade che to the extent of some WWF wrestler[they too come in t-shirts]

Tarun Goel said...

Admiring Che is good [:)]
But no point wearing chaddi's :(

Meher :) said...

From what info I could get - he sounded admirable. But maybe, in a way, he was like these Naxalites - where the initial fighting for a cause took different twists & turns and finally became something else.

And I think he is a very good looking man.

Sharma, Nishit said...

I have seen Motorcycloe diaries and i liked it very much...I don't know much about fidel castro but i heard he is the lucky man who had got the lucky chance to be with 35000 women in one year....correct me if i m wrong

Tarun Goel said...

As far as girls are concerned I am not that much sure but I have also heard the same

Dawn said...

WOW! you said about Fidel Castro... I have read too but I have seen many movies too which shows the impacts of him!
I loved this stuff from you :) and yes, I really was zapped at the man...If I was there I would have gone and given him a pyaar ki zhapi ;) for such a good job
Keep writing buddy!
CHeers and Have a great weekend

Smita said...

Nice review :)) though not my kindda book :)

India Unlimited said...

I have heard people say that they won't wear a helmet coz it ruins their hairstyle.
What would effectively work in urging people to wear a helmet woudl be GRAPHIC Pictures of splashed out brains from real accidents. People need to the fear factor to make life saving decisions.
Speaking of Che, that is one inspirting and interesting real life story of two people travelling across south america.

Bhargavi said...

u have this book.. 1500 bucks, na ?? i saw motorcycle diaries and thot it was brilliant ... need to get the book soon